quality management, management systems, process safety, environmental management, risk assessment, ISO-14000, regulatory compliance, OSHA regulations, EPA regulations, safety improvement, TQM, ISO-9000, ISO9000, QS9000, QS-9000, internal audit, customer focus, strategic planning, teambuilding. QEM provides access to experienced professionals to help companies improve their manufacturing, distribution and service operations and increase profitability.


Minimize Risk and Liability Exposure

Improve Operations

Manage Environmental Health & Safety Aspects
Ensure Reliable Quality
Reduce the Cost of Worker's Compensation and Employee Injuries With INcontrol©
Make Your Organization A Safe Place For Children And The Adults Who Work With Them
Contact Us



1. We can go out of our office and look up the number of injuries of each employee.

INcontrol© does not "count" injuries, but develops an ratio of injury and length of employment for each unique work group and applies a statistical test to identify those employees that are out of control. This means that an employee with less injuries may be identified statistically out of control while another employee (in the same work group) with more injuries may be considered statistically normal.

2. Our records are not in condition to have statistics applied.

That is precisely why you need to apply INcontrol©. As long as the errors or incomplete data was entered on a random basis (not a planned adjustment of a given area) - INcontrol© can process the information with accurate results and as you continue using INcontrol your data will become more accurate as the results improve.

3. We already have a safety program in place.

INcontrol© not a safety program - it is a management process that makes any safety program more effective. INcontrol© can work with any existing safety program and provides management specific measurements as to the effectiveness of that program.

4. We do not have a budget for consultants or new programs.

This is precisely why you need INcontrol©. It reduces the dollar outflow from injuries. Any payments required to utilize the full INcontrol© process can be funded by the current years reduction in injury claims.

QEM Inc.
1554 Paoli Pike #179,
West Chester,  PA  19380

Telephone: (610) 701-0629     Fax: (610) 701-0659